Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How To Find Website Traffic From Free Guaranteed Sources (part two)

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I realize there are hundreds of articles about how to find website traffic already published on the Internet. Some are just regurgitating the same old methods and others have golden nuggets that you can treasure and add to your own list of goodies. Well I am probably regurgitating here, however I am also sure you will get at least one nugget from my list I am about to share.

#4 Youtube Video

Youtube is a great place to find website traffic. When listing your Youtube video do SEO on the title and description. Simply type in your keyword and press a space and you will get a menu dropping down with the most popular searches for that particular word. We all remember to do this on Google but are we doing this on Youtube?

Traffic from Youtube search

This way you can see the most popular keywords and can reword your title and tags to suit. Then you can also choose one and press enter and see the competitions results. Have they got all the keywords in the title? Usually not. See what’s missing and find the gap where you can get your video in that list . Find website traffic that others have missed!

Youtube find website traffic

#4 Write testimonials

In the Internet marketing game you will probably, and almost definitely, end up buying a few products to help you along your path to success. However did you realize or maybe you simply forgot that you probably bought the product from one of the big time IM gurus? Why not make a video testimonial or a written one. If it is good enough dell inspiron 6400 battery it will be used and they usually give you a back link to your website.

#5 Article marketing

I can here you all moaning now. Well just wait a minute. Look at the screen shot below.

Website Traffic from articles

I have received a constant stream of traffic from this one article I posted on Article base. It’s not even on Ezine Articles. What’s wrong with this free traffic? The actual article is one that I posted on my website first and then submitted as “duplicate” content. I did not spend hours writing this article especially for this website, however I am gaining enormous benefits from it. Article marketing is not dead! What’s wrong with bringing highly targeted visitors to your website? If I had a hundred articles like this I probably would never have to work on getting traffic again. Wouldn’t that Acer aspire one zg5 battery be nice? I would never have to find website traffic again.

#7 Bookmark other websites and the traffic will find you

I have made the simple mistake of over bookmarking one of my websites which ended up getting many social accounts closed and thrown out of the search engines. I finally realized that this was a touchy subject and decided to bookmark all the web pages that had links to my website on it. So now I bookmark Toshiba pa3594u-1brs battery and ping Youtube videos, articles, guest posts, and basically anything related to my websites. It still brings me traffic but I am safe from be banned again.

#8 Re-use your content

Yes re-using your content find website traffic as you have seen in the article marketing section above.
However this is not the only way to find website traffic.
  • Bundle a group of articles from your website and create a PDFand submit it to Scribd or FreeIQ.
  • Convert an article to a Power point slideshow and submit them to Slideshare, Slidrocket, and Scribd.
  • Add audio to your PowerPoint and upload it to Youtube.
  • You can also create eBooks and reports from articles and submit them to free eBook websites.
  • Use your best articles in your email auto responders system.

Did you find website traffic?

The list goes on. But do you think this gets you traffic? Well of course it does! There are many simple ways to get website traffic but people presume because it is obvious, that it does not work. Why not save time and re-use your effort in other places. The Toshiba pa3465u-1brs battery one golden rule is to brand anything you give away with your website link and maybe even some affiliate links. Do not go overboard with the links though, as many websites avoid publishing any solely self promotion material.

Highly qualified traffic is highly profitable and all we need to take action everyday, get simple and forget all the complicated information that is holding us back. Getting traffic to your website is hard work and involves you doing something, however the Toshiba pa3534u-1brs battery work is a no brainer. Set yourself a goal. Complete two traffic getting tasks everyday, and before you know it you will have a steady flow streaming through your website doors. You really will not have to go out and find website traffic if you get all these strategies in place.

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How To Find Website Traffic From Free Guaranteed Sources (part one)

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