Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Install a Home Surveillance Systems - top-shoppingmall.com

“Home security camera” is a broad term, it includes nanny cameras, hidden cameras, outdoor cameras, Wi-Fi-IP cameras etc… This article covers conventional CCTV (close- circuit television) system. CCTV system consists of cameras, cables (if wired), transmitters & receivers (if wireless), a DVR (digital video recorder) and a monitor. Most of DVRs come with network capability where you can fully control the DVR for remote viewing via internet. These systems are commonly used at commercial places, but if correct components are chosen and installed, you can have the commercial grade quality video security system for your home as well.

The fact is that need for having a security system is on the rise. Vandalism and theft can occur anywhere in and around your house. Having a noticeable camera outside will greatly reduce the chance for a burglary and break-ins. Watch your kids while playing outside, record anyone who knocks on your door, keep an eye on your housekeeper, etc….. Its usages are limitless.

Technology is improving very fast, security cameras have become more user friendly, and you don’t need to be a professional to install the system. When choosing which system is best for you, first you need to establish what your needs are and which way you will be able to install them.

You can choose a pre-set package from a store such as Wal-Mart or Price Club. However the best way is to choose each component separately in order to custom fit for your needs. With DVR being the most important part of the system, most of pre-set packages come with Chinese made DVRs. They lack quality, reliability, are harder to use and navigate. Also some components are proprietary to each other and in case of failure it will be difficult to replace them. We carry wide range of different cameras, quality DVR’s (made in Korea), and everything else that you would need to have a reliable and quality home security system optimized for your specific situations and needs.


DVRs can handle multiple cameras (4, 8, 9, 16 or 32). Number of channels cannot be expanded later on, so choose one with future expansion in mind. Navigating through the recording is a lot easier with a DVR that comes with GUI (Graphic User Interface) and mouse control features. The reason we recommend either Korean or Japanese made DVR is that a DVR is not just a circuit based product. It must have reliable hardware, software and network capability. Japanese DVR cam may be expensive for its brand name so we recommend a Korean made DVR which has the quality, yet a smaller price tag. DVRs are usually equipped with 500GB memory (expandable) and handling up to 4 cameras will retain up to a month or more worth of video (depending the setting). All DVRs can detect motion (pixel movement) and record upon detection to save memory and time when you playback.  There are many other features such as networking, loop recording, cell phone viewing, e-mail notification, dual video output to TV or VGA monitor, auto-reboot (in case of black out) etc.

Digital wireless signal has no interference at all, and it is fully encrypted. You can connect up to 16 cameras wirelessly and all of them will work fine without interfering with each other. However, the video quality and frame rate will be reduced during the process of converting from analog to digital and back to analog to connect to a DVR. Video will somewhat be pixilated and there will be few seconds of lag in video feed. But in a case where wiring is not possible and you want completely secure wireless connection, this is the way to do it.


All our DVRs can connect to a TV or a VGA monitor. There is no such thing as a special security monitor, and will not provide with any better resolution.


Most of DVRs come with the feature where you can connect the DVR to a router that way you can watch the camera live via internet. Internet access level differs between models. Some DVRs only may have live view feature where other higher end ones allow playback, change of settings and smart phone access as well. There are no additional monthly fees involved other than what you currently pay for your internet service.

Finally, there must be a hard wire network cable connection between the DVR and your router.
Bottom line, No matter where buy the system, technical support is essential. We are sure you have experienced run around support method that does not go anywhere. For example, if you have a difficulty connecting the DVR to your router, many companies will not help you due to lack of knowledge, or simply turn away by saying they are not allowed to troubleshoot with an item which is not theirs- the router. As a direct supplier and manufacturer, we are well knowledgeable about what we sell, and we will go all the way to make the system work properly.

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