Thursday, July 7, 2011

A significant milestone - App Store hits 15 billion downloads

Apple released a statement letting their customers know that the App Store has hit quite a significant milestone – over 15 billion applications have been downloaded. According to the announcement:

“In just three years, the revolutionary App Store has grown to become the most exciting and successful software marketplace the world has ever seen. Thank you to all of our amazing developers who have filled it with over 425,000 of the coolest apps and to our over 200 million iOS users for surpassing 15 billion downloads.”

No matter what your opinion of the Apple ecosystem is, those are impressive numbers. Furthermore, looking back at the App Store’s history, it’s growth and expansion has been at a pretty steady incline since it’s creation.

It took only nine months for the App Store to reach 1 billion downloads. Then, not too long after that, the 5 billionth download mark was surpassed in June 2010. And now, just over a year later, Apple has racked up another 10 billion downloads, for a grand total of 15 billion.

The 10 billionth, which occurred in January of this year, was celebrated with a little giveaway. Okay… a big giveaway. The downloader of the 10 billionth app was awarded a $10,000 Apple store gift card (with which he was able to buy two or three things). Unfortunately, however, there doesn’t seem to be any word regarding another giveaway this time. Perhaps when they reach the 25 billion marker.

I definitely believe the App Store has played an enormous part in the success of iOS devices, so I can’t say I’m too surprised at these figures. What about you? Do you think the iPhone, and the other iOS devices would have achieved the same level of success if the App Store wasn’t around?

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Tags: App Store , lenovo n200 akku  , hp nc6100 akku

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