Thursday, March 31, 2011

Apple's succeed - Win over you customer on Steve Jobs's success way

Contrary to popular wisdom, Steve Jobs and his boyhood pal Steve Wozniak did not start Apple in a garage.  Exactly thirty-five years ago on April 1st, 1976, Jobs and “Woz” founded Apple in an unoccupied room of Steve Jobs’ parents house in Los Altos (see a recent picture of the house.  The house looks largely the same as it did in 1976).  They soon moved to the kitchen table before expanding to the garage where the legend was born.

Steve Jobs was only 21-years-old; Woz was 26.  How did two young men, working out of a garage, create a computer company that would change the world?  I believe it’s because they never set out to sell computers.  Instead Jobs and Woz wanted build tools that would help people unleash their personal creativity.  Big difference.

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple Compaq pavilion dv6 battery Lenovo 3000 v100 battery in 1997 after a 12-year absence the company was close to bankruptcy.  Jobs concluded his first major public presentation with some of the most inspiring words I’ve ever heard in a corporate presentation:

“You always had to be a little different to buy an Apple computer.  I think the people who buy them do think differently; they are the creative spirits in the world.  They are not just out to get a job done, they are out to change the world.  We, too, are going to think differently and serve the people who have been buying our products since the beginning.  Because a lot of times people think they’re crazy but in that craziness we see genius and those are the people we’re making tools for.”
The iPad 2 tips the scales at 612 grams.

See genius in your customers. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak can teach all business leaders a valuable lesson–See the genius in your customers.  Your customers don’t care about your product, service, or business.  They care about themselves and their hopes, dreams and ambitions.  Help them achieve their dreams and you’ll win them over.  How do you help your customers achieve their dreams?  Sure, “listen” to them.  But listening isn’t the same as “knowing” your customer really, really well.

Steve Jobs is said to maintain a  “pixel level obsession” with the customer experience.  Anything that is not elegant, uncluttered and easy-to-use doesn’t get his approval.  This attitude hasn’t changed
Apple a1189 battery  Asus a42-w1 battery since Jobs was assembling circuit boards in his parents’ house.  His goal was to help people change the world by making computers that were so simple and easy-to-use that everyday people would feel comfortable using them.

Why Steve Jobs doesn’t do focus groups. Since he knows his customers so well, Steve Jobs doesn’t do focus groups.  He doesn’t have to because he understands his customers’ pain and frustrations.  Sometimes his customers don’t even realize there’s a better way of doing something so he has to spell it out for them as he did when he introduced the iTunes Store in 2003.  At the time few people wanted to pay for music because they were downloading music for free.

When Jobs introduced the iTunes Store he spent a few minutes acknowledging the fact that people were downloading music for free, but he also outlined their frustrations—unreliable downloads, unreliable quality, no previews, and “bad karma” because it was stealing.  In return for paying .99 per song, Jobs would offer fast, reliable downloads, “pristine encoding”, a vast selection of music, CD high quality  Asus a33-m50 battery 3000 v200 battery sound, free previews, album cover art, and ability to easily download all this music to an MP3 play that “fits in your pocket.” Oh, he also added that it would bring  “good karma” because it wasn’t stealing.”
When it comes to your customer, always remember that it’s not about you—it’s about them.  Your customers are asking themselves, “Why should I care?”  They are asking, “How will your product or service make my life better?”  Help your customers fulfill their dreams and watch your sales soar.

Carmine Gallo is the communications coach for the world’s most admired brands. He is a popular keynote speaker and author of several books including the international bestsellers, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs and The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Reviews - iPads will beat E-readers !

iPads may give e-readers more of a challenge than marketers think. The conventional wisdom, doled out by analysts and vendors in this week's story about the future of e-paper displays, is that the e-reader market has been cloven in two. Multimedia content consumption is to be ceded to the iPad while plain old black-and-white e-book reading should go to e-readers such as Amazon's Kindle.

When a growing pie splits no one gets too worried. Strong growth in sales of both e-readers and iPads would seem to bear out the argument that there's plenty of room for everyone in the pool. Right?

Maybe not. The problem lies in the future of e-book content. While it's true that the cute girl at poolside can read her e-paper Kindle display in bright sunlight while the hapless iPad user, with his unreadable backlit LCD, looks on; and while it's true that battery life is much shorter with an iPad, I am not entirely convinced that users want a dedicated e-book reader device and an iPad. And everyone seems to want an iPad these days.

E-book reading is  a subset of what an iPad or other tablet computer can do. But reading e-books is all that e-readers can do well. They're a one-trick pony.

As a platform for e-reading, an iPad may be good enough for all but the most ardent readers. I have no trouble reading e-books or newspapers on one. As for battery life, an iPad charge lasts for about as long as most readers would want to sit reading in one session.

But even assuming that I'm wrong on this point, marketers are missing one important fact: E-book content itself may be about to undergo a major transformation.

Last July Amazon announced that it was shipping 1.5 e-books for every hard cover it sold. As the market moves from paper to a primarily electronic medium, a new generation of authors will rethink what it means to write a book.

As a way of telling a story, unembellished black and white text is so 20th Century. Keith Richards' Life is a good example of the wasted opportunity of the paper paradygm. Richards took the traditional approach: Assemble a bunch of black and white text pages, add a cluster of photos in the middle and you're done. Enormous amounts of rich content over a decades long career were never woven into the story line. Had the book been written by a ghostwrier in 2020 it might have tightly woven a wide range of interactive multimedia elements into the storyline. In the future the author won't just tell you. You'll see for yourself.

The iPad is optimized to be a multimedia content consumption device. E-paper, with its one-half to one second page turn times and newly released, inferior color technology, is not. For viewing the color photos in the center of a traditional book it's perfectly fine. But slow performance and washed out colors aren't likely to work in the new age of multimedia books.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

iPad review - Top Great Ways to Get More From Your iPad

The iPad is loaded with all kinds of features you’ve probably heard about, but look a little deeper, and its extra abilities might surprise you. Some of these secrets are enabled through apps, while some are built into the device already.

Turn Your iPad into a Secondary Desktop Display
With its big, high-resolution display, it’s a shame to just park an iPad when switching to a computer. Instead, Air Display ($10) makes your iPad a second screen for your Mac, extending the desktop. The tool has just been submitted to the App Store and should be released soon; I checked out a beta.

You install a utility on the computer and connect with the Air Display System Preference. (It’s Mac-only at launch, but a Windows version is coming.) The iPad then behaves just like an extra screen. You reposition it in the Displays System Preference like a real monitor, in a portrait or landscape view. Although it lags a little when showing video, it refreshes quickly enough for most work. You can even tap on the iPad to click.
Stream Movies From Your PC

Air Video--click for full-size image.Air Video can stream 720p video from your PC, and convert transcode video formats in real time.

Even if you bought the largest-capacity iPad Acer aspire 5520 battery Acer aspire 5920 battery , if it can’t fit all of your videos, it’s too small. Instead of trying to cram everything into the device, you can stream videos from a local or online PC. The process has one main caveat; if you bought movies or TV shows from the iTunes store, DRM restrictions block those files. (Podcasts and music videos should work.). But you can watch your own videos or DRM-free downloads without taking up iPad storage.

Of the many options available, I like Air Video ($3) the best. (A free version includes the same functions but limits the number of files you can browse in each folder). Similar to competitors, you run a server utility on your PC or Mac in order to route data to the iPad. In my tests, Air Video played most resolutions smoothly, including 720p video files over an 802.11n Wi-Fi network.

That resolution stutters on an 802.11g network, but if you reach a file that’s too big—or just not in an iPad-friendly QuickTime format, including AVI, WMV, ASF, MKV, DIVX, and FLV—you can have the PC remotely convert the clip. Just hit a button from the iPad interface and stream it when ready, or have a speedy PC process it and stream it live. It even supports subtitles and TV output. The iPad can send video to a TV at 1024 by 768 resolution via its $29 Dock Connector to VGA adapter; 576p and 480p with the $49 Apple Component A/V Cable, and 576i or 480i with an Apple Composite Cable (also $49).

Connect More Than a Camera
Apple’s iPad Camera Connection Kit ($29) does so much more than its stated purpose. Instead of just transferring photos and videos from your camera or SD card, the adapter’s USB port attaches a range of devices.

Many USB keyboards work. The iPad Acer as07b41 battery Acer as07b42 battery presents a warning that the device isn’t supported (shown left), but if it doesn’t draw much power, you can ignore the message. Volume and media keys usually work, and you can even use desktop commands such as Command-Z. (Don’t forget that the iPad also officially supports Bluetooth keyboards and Apple’s iPad Keyboard Dock).

USB audio devices can work, too--including speakers, headsets, and microphones. If a device draws too much power and balks (as when I connected a Zoom H2 mic and Logitech V20 PC speakers), no problem: just attach the device to a powered USB hub, and connect the hub to the Camera Connection Kit adapter. You can even attach different devices—such as a keyboard and speaker set—at the same time.

Jailbreak for More Features

(Editor's note: The iPad 2 jailbreak is currently on its way, but no word yet on how well it works or how to do it. The following section covers jailbreaking for the original iPad.)

Apple maintains obsessive control over the iPad, making it less like a computer and more like a media player. But you have an alternative: Jailbreak the iPad, and you can run third-party apps that weren’t approved by Apple.

If you’re willing to jailbreak your iPad (which means voiding your iPad warranty and taking full responsibility for anything that may go wrong), then you can also use the Camera Connection Kit to read USB sticks and SD card directories. (Without jailbreaking, you can already import SD-card videos and photos or attach a Compact Flash reader). With a bit more fiddling, you can read files from an external USB hard drive. Those are a lot of unnecessary hoops to jump through for such basic connectivity, but it is at least possible. Again, jailbreaking is best left for the tech-oriented or the adventurous.

You would connect the iPad to a computer, run Sprit and then be able to install apps through the Cydia interface. Cydia and iTunes apps coexist, so you can install apps like Backgrounder and Multiflow to enable multitasking (letting you listen to Pandora while working in other iTunes-purchased apps, say). Of course, multitasking is coming officially in OS 4.0. Notes: ProSwitcher (arguably the best jailbreak multitasking app for the iPhone Acer as07b51 battery Acer as07b31 battery ) didn't appear to be optimized for the iPad (yet) at the time of writing. For jailbreak apps, sticking to those that have been reworked for the iPad will help avoid--though not guarantee against--unnecessary hassle.

Other jailbreak apps include iPad-ready versions of Wi-Fi Sync (wireless iTunes syncing), Winterboard (customized themes), and Dashboard (OS X-style widgets). You can also use your iPad with a mouse, run game console emulators and hand controllers, and otherwise do things Apple doesn’t allow. Benefits will grow as the iPad jailbreaking community expands.

Access Your PC Remotely
VNC Viewer can control a remote PC as if you’re sitting in front of it.

You just left for the weekend but forgot to copy an important business file (or hilarious LOLcat) to your laptop. Use an iPad to retrieve the content. Several remote desktop-style tools present a live view of the distant computer, letting you control the PC as if you were sitting right there.

Whether you’re reaching across the Internet, or just into the next room, the process isn’t fast enough to play smooth video. So keep searching for that Hulu fix. But most other applications and slow-moving Flash games —such as Farmville—work if you can handle about 10 to 20 frames per second.

Among many choices, I like LogMeIn Ignition ($30 if you want to configure as little as possible) and iTeleport ($25), plus VNC Viewer ($10) if you want to manually set it up. You’ll first configure the PC with a server utility (or an option built into the OS) first, then you can connect anywhere.

All three tools offer similar functionality. You’ll zoom in and out with pinch gesture, and mouse around by touching the iPad. Two-fingered taps activate right-click, and other gestures help with the input. iTeleport includes more keyboard options, such as presets to control media applications, but I thought the implementation got in the way.

If you just want to sit back and control a computer hooked up to a TV, Mobile Mouse ($3) can turn your iPad into a wireless keyboard, multitouch mouse trackpad, and media remote.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

eight things you might not know about Apple's iPad 2.

IT'S about to be the coolest gadget in the country from 5pm today. Here are eight things you might not know about Apple's iPad 2. -   is a place to find the best rechargeable lithium ion laptop batteries, replacement laptop ac adapters and high quality chargers.
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1. ULTRA thin is an understatement.
Not only is it more than 33 per cent more slender than its predecessor, place it side by side with the already sleek iPhone 4 and the iPad 2 takes line honours in the slim stakes.

2. THAT innovative magnetic "smart-cover" everyone is talking about is actually made of the finest Italian leather. The smorgasboard of colours ranging from navy blue to bright pink are also ingrained deep in the rich leather, not added later.

3. MICROFIBRES embedded in the soft underside of the smart cover, combined with a specially designed oil-repelling coating, ensure the iPad cleans its own screen of fingerprints every time the cover is closed.

4. IPAD 2 users can flip from the-front facing camera to the rear lens in a the middle of a FaceTime video call, granting the person on the other end of the conversation a look at your surroundings, such as a favourite cafe or spectacular beach side view.

5. A PLUG-in AV adapter allows iPad 2 owners for the first time to "mirror" content on screen such as websites, videogames and photos, on any nearby big-screen TV.

6. THE iPad 2’s body is carved from a single piece of aluminium, making it 15 per cent lighter than the original iPad.

7. MELBOURNE-based mobile games developer Firemint - behind the phenomenally successful Real Racing and Flight Control - will be among the first companies to take advantage of the iPad 2’s new graphics processor, which is nine times faster than the original iPad.

8. THE new A5 chipset is so powerful that users of the exclusive Photobooth app that comes pre-loaded on iPad 2, can display up to eight different photo effects spawned from a single picture on-screen at the same time.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

After quake Japanese manufacturers face further delays in resuming production

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Toyota and Honda auto factories that had been shut down by the massive earthquake and tsunami won't reopen until this weekend because of disruption in their parts supply chains. Electronics and silicon wafer makers have also been idled.

The natural disasters that struck Japan's northeast continued to wreak havoc on the nation's economy on Tuesday, with two of the country's largest carmakers announcing further delays in resumption of production at their plants because of continued disruption in parts supplies.

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Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co., which were scheduled to resume production at their earthquake-affected plants early this week, said Tuesday that operations would not begin again until the weekend. Toyota had suspended operations at four plants, Honda at three.

Photos: Japan grapples with crisis

Toyota said the new suspension would last until Saturday and Honda said its plants would resume operations Sunday.

For Toyota, the halt in output, which will affect about 140,000 units, marks a record suspension, Kyodo News Agency reported. The effects are likely to be felt domestically for the most part -- the companies' cars sold in the U.S. are largely manufactured in North America.

Electronics maker Sony Corp. also said Tuesday that while manufacturing had restarted at some of its sites, scheduled power Dell inspiron e1505 battery Dell latitude e6400 battery outages and shortages of materials and components continued to hamper production at others.

Technophiles may also have reason for concern: Japan's earthquake and tsunami has halted production of a quarter of the world's supply of silicon wafers, used to make semiconductors, which are the crucial components in personal computers, mobile phones and digital music players, according to a report released by a California-based market research firm.

Production has been discontinued at two plants in areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami: Shin-Etsu Chemical Co.'s Shirakawa facility and MEMC Electronic Materials' Utsunomiya plant, which together make up 25% of the world's supply, according to IHS iSuppli, headquartered in El Segundo.

The consequences of the disruption will probably be felt around the world because the two companies supplied manufacturers  Gateway btp-68b3 battery  Hp pavilion dv5 battery  globally, the firm said in its report.

The interruption in production in Japan has the Chinese government concerned about how it will affect trade between the two nations.

A Chinese Commerce Ministry spokesman told reporters Tuesday that the two economies were "closely connected," and a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry urged Japan to "release information to the public in a timely, comprehensive and precise manner, which we hope will help other countries make a right judgment of the situation," Kyodo reported.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

iPad and iPhone Join the Military - reduce operational costs and improve military efficiency

Ever since the iPhone and the iPad hit the market, Apple has been able to infiltrate market segments many thought were impossible for the California based company. There is no doubt that the leadership and vision of Steve Jobs combined with the creativity of Jonathan Ive have done wonders for the company.
Developers and creative companies have also been able to take advantage of Apple’s iOS devices. Even the military seems to be taking advantage of Apple’s gadgets to reduce operational costs and improve military efficiency.

Two well known military contractors are already planning to use the iPhone, the iPad and other potential products Compaq nc4400 battery dell vostro 1500 battery as well.

Well known military contractor, Harris, is currently working on an iPad application that will allow ground troops to use touchscreen gestures to remotely control a camera aboard an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The goal is to make sure that military troops can find enemy soldiers and weapons remotely, while seeing actual video and remotely controlling the UAV camera directly from the iPad. Harris is very well known for its commercial video products, which should translate very well to the iPad.

The Harris iPad application would transmit video and location information to intelligence commanders that require strategic information and field data to make important military decisions. According to a PCWorld report, Harris is planning to demonstrate the remote camera application for the iPad Dell studio 1737 battery Acer batbl50l6 battery and iPad 2 at the National Association of Broadcasters conference in mid-April.

Another Pentagon contractor planning actual field tests with an iPhone app is Intelligent Software Solutions (ISS). ISS is getting ready to test mobile applications for the iPhone and Android. The goal is to test applications that will provide a soldier with fighting and bombings information that have occurred at precise locations as soon as that soldier arrives into a war zone area.

The idea is to leverage geo-mapping technologies and combine that with historical data sent wirelessly from a command center. By doing so, ground troops can be better prepared when entering war zone areas. They will be able to know the locations and types of encounters that have happened in specific areas.

There are multiple reasons why the military is planning to use products like the iPad and iPhone. First, the  cost of each device is much cheaper than other specialized equipment previously used in military action. Second, the learning curve for iOS devices and other mobile productsDell d630 battery Dell xps m1330 battery is very short given that most soldiers are using smartphones and tablets in their personal daily lives. Finally, if a soldier loses or breaks an iPhone or iPad, it is much easier to replace those devices at a much lower cost.

The possibilities are endless when you think of it. Harris has envisioned this technology evolving into multiple use cases for the military. For example, soldiers could use an application at checkpoints while conducting video interrogation of individuals with an iPhone. Then, upload the live video to a military system that would check that person’s face with facial recognition software.

I think this is only the beginning!

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

What to Expect: X-Ray Vision, Doubled Life Spans and Lots of Robots

Reading a dull, charmless nonfiction book is almost always better than reading a dull, charmless novel. With a nonfiction book, you might at least learn something.

“Dull” and “charmless” are awfully harsh words to apply to Michio Kaku’s “Physics of the Future,” a book that examines, with exhaustive pluck, what life might be like at the end of the current century. But they’re the first words that popped into my mouth when a stranger asked me, in a coffee shop, “How’s the book?”

Mr. Kaku is a quantum physicist, a founder of string field theory and the host of an appealing show on the Science Channel called “Sci Fi Science.” He’s a smart human who in the course of compiling this book became an even smarter one: he interviewed more than 300 scientists who are performing forward-looking work in areas like computers, medicine, Hp probook 4510s battery hp pavilion dv5 battery nanotechnology, space exploration and energy production.

A lot of the information Mr. Kaku rounds up and dispenses in “Physics of the Future” won’t be new to people who’ve kept up with the work of Ray Kurzweil and other futurists. Yet it’s eye-popping. We’ll have X-ray vision and space elevators and live at least twice as long and be able to move things, perhaps even martinis, with our minds. We’ll go online, thanks to wired contact lenses, by blinking.

“We will view chemotherapy,” he writes, “like we view leeches of the past century.” We’ll watch televised football games, if we wish, as if from the 50-yard line.

“Micromachines smaller than the period at the end of this sentence,” he declares, will perform surgery. Next stop, as Rod Serling used to declare suavely, the Twilight Zone.

This is not boring stuff, and it all somewhat makes me wish that I (born in 1965) were going to be around to witness it all. In terms of data delivery, “Physics of the Future” gets the job done. But airplane food gets the job done, too, HP pavilion dv2000 battery HP pavilion dv6000 battery and airplane food — bland and damp — is what Mr. Kaku’s prose too often resembles.

“Physics of the Future” has few sentences so bad that you can tweezer them, like splinters from your toe, and put them on display. But there’s barely an original turn of phrase in the book’s nearly 400 pages.

Clichés pile up. Sometimes two or three fight it out in the same sentence. One example: “Like a kid in a candy store, he delights in delving into uncharted territory, making breakthroughs in a wide range of hot-button topics.” This kind of thing, if you are accustomed to real writing, hurts your insides.

Mr. Kaku thinks in numbers better than he thinks in words, which is a problem only in that he’s written a book and not a series of equations. His voice has an androidlike, take-me-to-your-leader tone. Describing the pleasure we get in watching Snooki or Regis or Morley or Oprah, he writes: “We love to watch others and even sit for hours in front of a TV, endlessly watching the antics of our fellow humans.”

Such textureless prose inadvertently illustrates one of his key observations about computers: that they will, in the near future, Hp pavilion dv2500 battery Hp pavilion zv6000 battery be able to perform repetitive tasks for us, like doing the dishes or walking the dog. But they will not be able to tell meaningful stories or create art.

Word geek roughs up math geek: that’s this review so far, approaching overkill. “Physics of the Future,” let me add, has the ability to surprise and enthrall and frighten as well.

Mr. Kaku probes the future of medicine. Our toilets will check our excretions for telltale signs of disease, he suggests. M.R.I. machines will be the size of cellphones; you might keep one at home. Sensors in our clothes will leap into action if we are hurt.

“In the future,” he writes, hauntingly, “it will be difficult to die alone.”

Nearly everything we touch Hp pavilion dv9700 battery dell d630 battery will be connected to the Internet; we may not need laptops any longer. We may even have “scrap computers” the way we have scrap paper now.

Our zoos will most likely fill with animals that are now extinct. We might be able to bring back the Neanderthal. Mr. Kaku is alert to ethical implications. He quotes Richard Klein, an anthropologist at Stanford, about Neanderthals: “Are you going to put them in Harvard or in a zoo?”

Mr. Kaku suggests that we will have replicators, or molecular assemblers, capable of creating almost anything we want, the same way that nature can “take hamburgers and vegetables and turn them into a baby.”

This book’s dark aspects pool around its margins. The author fears that Silicon Valley may become a rust belt, upending the economy, because computer chips will no longer be able to grow smaller. The postsilicon era is unknowable. 

He notes that many of our technological leaps — from the global positioning system (GPS) to the Internet itself — have come from the dell latitude d620 battery dell latitude d830 battery military. He looks forward to genial robots. He is less sanguine about the robots that are “specifically designed to hunt, track and kill humans” and about what might happen should they fall into the wrong hands or go berserk.

Global warming will be quite real, he suggests, and predicts that by the end of the century, several major American cities will be underwater and that others (including New York) will be surrounded by looming seawalls. The futurist in him even fears more Islamic terrorists, “who would prefer to go back a millennium, to the 11th century, rather than live in the 21st century.”

We will probably discover signs of intelligent life in the cosmos during this century, Mr. Kaku surmises. But “Physics of the Future” makes Earth seem like a very lonely planet, hurtling toward a destiny both exhilarating and dire.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

The safety of nuclear power - Do nuclear power plants scare you?

Far be it from us to contribute to media-fueled fear, but recent developments in Japan have made some reconsider the safety of nuclear power--or give it more thought than they ever had.

The 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunamis that hit last week damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, run by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco). The utility has been struggling to prevent a possible meltdown and release of high-level radiation, and the emergency has caused some people to flee Tokyo.
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As helicopters took to the skies to douse the Fukushima reactors with water, Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Administration raised its severity rating of the crisis from level 4 to level 5 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. That brings it on par with the Three Mile Island accident, which forced an evacuation of thousands and cost an estimated $1 billion to clean up.

The Union of Concerned Scientists released a report this week about 14 "near-misses" at nuclear facilities in the United States in 2010 and  Hp probook 4510s battery Dell vostro 1710 battery  describing "troubling events, safety equipment problems, and security shortcomings." The report gives the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission a mixed review as a watchdog of nuclear safety, saying, for instance, that commission inspectors knew about problems with testing at the Peach Bottom nuclear facility in Pennsylvania but did not respond properly.

President Obama also ordered a review of the nation's 104 reactors, which supply about 20 percent of electricity to the U.S. (see a map of commercial reactors here). German Chancellor Angela Merkel, meanwhile, has ordered the closure of seven older nuclear plants for safety inspections.

Are you worried about nuclear power Dell inspiron 2200 battery Hp pavilion dv6700 battery, or do you think fears are overblown? Do you have faith in plant designers, operators, and overseers, or do you just picture Homer Simpson when the topic comes up? Vote in our poll, and be sure to share your thoughts on this difficult topic in the comments section.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

iPad 2 stupid battery, how did Apple make the iPad 2 smaller than the first iteration?

So how did Apple make the iPad 2 smaller than the first iteration? It's the battery, stupid.Or, put another way - the size of it. In a followup to its previous teardown analysis of the iPad 2, IHS iSuppli said Wednesday that Apple had decreased the size of the iPad's battery inspiron 1440 battery while increasing the battery's energy density, thus making it smaller while maintaining the same battery life.

iSuppli identified four components that decreased in size from the iPad 1 to the iPad 2: the battery, the clearance between components and the chassis, the thickness of the display, and the touchscreen overlay. In total, the thickness of the iPad 2 decreased by 34 percent to 8.80 millimeters, versus 13.40 millimeters for the iPad 1.

The reduced thickness might not be immediately apparent; as's review of the iPad 2 inspiron 2200 battery inspiron e1505 battery noted, the real physical change is in the contour—the iPad 2 has rounded, narrow edges whereas the original tablet was a bit boxier with wider side panels. The iPad 2 weighs about 600 grams, down 15 percent from 700 grams for the iPad 1, iSuppli said.

"Leveraging its unparalleled design capabilities, Apple Inc. has upped the competitive ante on tablet form factors by substantially decreasing the thickness and weight of the iPad 2," said Kevin Keller, principal analyst for the IHS iSuppli teardown analysis service, in a statement. "Apple has particularly focused on thickness as a point of differentiation for the iPad 2. Other new tablets coming to market, all of which are about as thick as the iPad 1, now look fat in comparison to the iPad 2. This is likely to cause a scramble as competitors rush to slim down to match Apple."

Apple iPad Coverage

Apple's slimmed-down battery is 10 to 15 percent more power efficient, in terms of power delivery versus the mass of the battery. "The iPad 2 battery design represents a major shift from the iPad 1," Keller said. "Apple moved from two thicker cells to three thinner ones, flattening out the entire battery structure. The new design also allowed Apple to eliminate an injection-molded plastic support frame from the battery inspiron 1720 battery inspiron 6400 battery subsystem, further cutting down its thickness."

iSuppli also noted that Apple eliminated the stamped metal sheet frame and adopted a new glass layer for the touchscreen.

"The concurrent release of the iPad 2 and the new Dragontrail Glass technology from Asahi Glass Co. of Japan has led to speculation that Asahi may be the supplier of this durable new glass," Keller said.
Physical tests conducted by IHS reveal that the iPad 2 glass is more flexible than the glass used in the iPad 1, a characteristic of increased durability, Keller said.

UBM and iSuppli also performed teardowns of the iPad 2 inspiron mini 9 battery over the weekend. UBM estimated that the iPad 2—the 32-gigabyte version with 3G—costs approximately $270 to build. That's all of $18 less than the company's estimate of the cost of building a single Motorola Xoom, same storage size. If accurate, then Apple is churning a profit of, at most, $459 for each 32GB device, minus any extra costs (marketing, labor, distribution, etc.) built into the price of the device. That figure also doesn't account for any differences that might show up in the AT&T version of the iPad 2 versus the Verizon version, or vice versa.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fukushima nuclear power plant 50 slain stick or seven adults died within two weeks

With the decrease of radiation intensity, 50 staff members adhere to Fukushima nuclear power plant once again risked his life to the water, to prevent fuel melting. Experts say that 70% of people will be high-intensity radiation or death within 2 weeks. A 59-year-old veteran, said more people willing to exchange for the safety of life.

"We do not fear death, it is our duty." - A stay slain

Fukushima nuclear power plant serious spill, is the human face after the Chernobyl accident and a nuclear disaster. Currently, the Fukushima nuclear power plant in more than 800 staff most of the evacuation, leaving only the last 50 slain. They use their bodies and build nuclear power plants protect the last bulwark of Fukushima.

Although nuclear power Acer as07b41 battery Acer as07b42 battery plants continue to occur in 16 dangerous, once the 50 staff members were forcibly evacuated, but with the decrease in radiation intensity, these workers re-enter the nuclear power plant, risking the water work. Experts refer to nuclear safeguards, which 50 people for a long time to work in conditions of strong radiation, of which 70% of the staff may be dead within 2 weeks.


16 am, Fukushima again exploded the first nuclear power plant, resulting in the radiation level exceeds a serious nuclear power plant, the Japanese government in at 10:40 on the 16th ordered the evacuation of about 50 people left behind.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Ueno branch 16, the morning in a press conference confirmed that the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima reactor No. 3 at 10 am local time on 16, again an explosion occurred. He said the No. 3 reactor exploded, resulting in high levels of nuclear radiation, workers can not work in the field. Therefore, control of nuclear reactor 50 participants who had left the scene, the implementation of temporary refuge.

16 afternoon, as the radiation intensity of the decline and the failure of the air water and ground water once again become the choice of the Japanese authorities. Fukushima nuclear power plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Acer aspire 5520 battery Acer aspire 6935g battery Company announced this afternoon party, which 50 workers had returned to work.

A responsible and that 50 workers to contact the Japanese officials told U.S. reporters: "One of my friends in one of them, they told me that it is their duty, they are not afraid to die."

According to reports, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. Fukushima nuclear power plant prior to the staff was reduced from 800 to 50, now back to 180 people. Columbia University Radiological Research Center, said: "Their situation is not good, obviously they will face high levels of radiation contamination, and to that end their lives. They know this, so these people are the real heroes . "
Their composition:

Most of the names yet revealed over 50

Following the Fukushima nuclear power plant after the explosion Unit One and Three, II and 15 crew on the morning of the explosion. The amount of radiation outside the reactor was 400 mSv there, inhaled more than 1000 mSv of radiation sufficient to cause dizziness, vomiting and other symptoms. View of the urgency of the situation, the Tokyo Electric Power company quickly withdrew most of the staff.

According to reports, the first nuclear power Acer aspire 5920 battery Dell d830 battery plant in Fukushima before the earthquake, including a total of 800 people work in an emergency, only 50 people during an emergency operation. Is to maintain the operation of 50 the minimum number of nuclear power plants, and the remaining 750 have been evacuated due to avoid the radiation.

Tokyo Electric Power Company left 50 people, 20 employees left is voluntary, 30 names are assigned, mostly in 50 years of age. A 59-year-old veteran that is willing to use their own life, in exchange for more security. With six months to retire the employee, can take on the high pension, endowment turn to the life, but he said the "sense of mission to make this decision yourself."

Tokyo Electric Power company did not disclose the names of 50 slain, Japanese media said they are unsung heroes.

Their mission:

Anti-nuclear fuel for the reactor to melt water

Japanese media revealed the tragic task of those who stay. They need to have been exposed to the nuclear fuel into the water. Part of the nuclear fuel has melted and release radiation material. If all melted, they will release thousands of tons of soot radiation, endangering the lives of millions of people.

Fukushima nuclear power plant because of power Dell xps m1530 battery Dell vostro 1310 battery by the tsunami destruction, nuclear power plants have been dark inside. But even if the face of darkness, radiation, fear of tsunami and earthquakes, they still need to continue to work in the nuclear power plant, and continuously injected into the reactor cooling water.

In the dark, they wore a respirator, or toting an oxygen tank, with a flashlight through the maze of equipment, ear ringing constantly in contact with air, hydrogen explosion sound. Although they were wearing white leotard, wearing a tight-fitting hood, but these can only provide minimal radiation protection.

Their future:

Seven adults within the next two weeks, or will die

According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and introduced the staff of each stay will be subject to 100 to 250 mSv of radiation, about the provisions of the U.S. nuclear power plants by the staff 5 times the maximum radiation. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company, some of the nuclear power plant may have serious radiation area, every staff are working only a few minutes, then continue to the next, a staff member, so in turn, to avoid exposure to too much radiation.

Tokyo Electric Power Company did not disclose their work, how much power the internal radiation. Nuclear experts said that the internal radiation higher than outside. U.S. nuclear protection experts, left behind 70% of staff may be dead within 2 weeks.

28 people died of radiation overdose

In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power Dell inspiron 1501 battery Dell inspiron 6000 battery plant in Ukraine exploded, a huge amount of radioactive substances into the atmosphere among the many volunteers into the nuclear power plant, the reactor will be closed on the deal. After 3 months, 28 of them died from excessive radiation, 19 persons died of skin infections, 106 were suffering from radiation sickness, many years later died of leukemia or other blood cancers.
Later, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the city center for the rescue workers set up the Chernobyl monument inscription reads: "To save the world's people."


Self-Defense Force fear of being radiation

Again to cancel the air injection

WASHINGTON was slain in the 50 after the withdrawal, Tokyo Electric Power Company was considered the top of helicopters scattering of boric acid in nuclear power plants, the Japanese Self-Defense Force has rejected the government ordered two days. Head stationed in Sendai City, Xia helicopter unit GSDF base, 16 once again decided to suspend the third reactor in Fukushima, the first nuclear power plant air sprinkler operation. Ministry of Defense said that the suspension because the concentration of nuclear radiation over nuclear power plants is too high, sprinklers may be at risk to participate in the health of SDF personnel action.

The Japanese government's disaster relief headquarters from the 15th, requires the implementation of the SDF helicopters spraying water on the nuclear power plant operations to reduce the repeated outbreaks of the third reactor in the temperature, increase the cooling water to prevent the nuclear reactor explosion. However, the SDF has been a negative attitude. 16 afternoon, was preparing to implement water spray. However, before implementation, to send reconnaissance aircraft to detect nuclear radiation levels are still high, so decided to cancel the sprinkler plans.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

battery reviews -German researchers make progress with battery technology

battery power news post by

The Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT) is developing batteries that have five times the storage capacity of current lithium-ion batteries.

The German researchers in KIT’s Institute for Nanotechnology are developing a new synthesis of iron-carbon storage materials that could significantly boost battery performance.

Traditional batteries Hp probook 4510s battery Panasonic EY9025B Battery  have an energy density that is about 50 times lower than gasoline in an equally large tank. That poses major challenges to the fledgling electric vehicle industry, which currently can build cars with an electric range of only about 150 km.
With KIT’s new experimental technology, various raw materials are mixed with lithium salt and then jointly heated.

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Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Battery doesn’t suffer from the memory effect at all.

Manufacturing costs are low and the process is relatively simple. Today already, the storage capacity of the new material is twice that of traditional batteries.

When using a laptop as a desktop replacement the battery should not be left in for long periods of time. The laptop will over time discharge the laptop battery. Remove the battery,making sure that it is charged to 50% and store it in a dry, warm place. Ensure that it is wrapped protectively and nothing will be dropped on it.
The battery HP pavilion dv2000 battery pavilion dv6000 battery should be re-installed every 3-4 weeks and allowed to fully discharge. Leaving a battery in storage for longer than this without using could cause the battery to fully discharge as the circuitry of the Dell battery itself consumes power.

“If we manage to fully exploit the potential of this new material, we can generate a five-fold improvement in energy density over lithium-ion batteries,” said Maximilian Fichter, who heads the energy storage unit of KIT’s nanotechnology department.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Apple Report: IPad 2 GarageBand Speed and Battery Life Tests

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Apple contends its newly released iPad 2 improves upon the performance of its original tablet--a claim Macworld's iPad 2 review backed up. And continued testing of the new tablet by Macworld Lab further illustrates how its new dual-core A5 processor and faster graphics subsystem affect the iPad 2's battery life. The results are good news for iPad 2 owners.


Having worked extensively with the Mac version of GarageBand, I know that the application can really task a Mac's processor and memory. So I was anxious to see how the new iPad can handle the new GarageBand for iPad hp 530 battery hp 2230s battery ( Macworld rated 5 out of 5 mice ) app. And since the mobile version of GarageBand also runs on the original tablet, the app provides a nice way to compare performance on the different iPads.

Simply starting the application took about 5 seconds on the iPad 2 and 6 seconds on the original iPad. I took the included demo project and added a track to it. When I used GarageBand's menus to attach the song to an e-mail, it took 22 seconds on the iPad 2 and 25 seconds on the original. These two tests may not show dramatic performance differences, but they add up over time to a generally snappier, more responsive feel when using the iPad 2.

The performance boost on the iPad 2 was much more dramatic when performing an import of GarageBand file from iTunes. The iPad 2 was nearly twice as fast at loading and optimizing the file than the original iPad--an impressive result.

Battery life

I tested a pair of new iPad 2s--a white 32GB model with AT&T 3G; and a black 16GB model with Verizon 3G. For comparison, I also tested with an original 16GB iPad 3G. (While our test models have different capacities, it's worth noting that the iPad uses flash storage--thus, the amount of storage capacity doesn't affect our battery life tests.) Like its predecessor, the iPad 2 boasts battery hp nc8430 battery dell d630 battery life of up to 10 hours. Or to be specific, Apple's iPad specs page says that's 10 hours of surfing the Web on Wi-Fi, watching video, or listening to music. The 3G-equipped models promise nine hours of Web surfing over a data network.

To test the battery life of each device, I played a movie I bought on the iTunes Store, repeating it until the battery finally gave out. I cranked the screen brightness all the way up, connected to a local Wi-Fi network, and set the volume low.

The good news: even with its increased processor power, faster graphics, and smaller capacity, the iPad 2 actually outlasted the original iPad by a little less than three percent. (Note that the iPad 3G used by our Lab is nearly a year old, so it's possible that its battery life has degraded over the past 11 months.)
I also found that recharging the iPad 2 took much less time than the original iPad--although I didn't precisely gauge how long it took to recharge. The excruciatingly long time it takes to recharge the original iPad had been one of my biggest complaints with Apple's tablet, so I'm happy to see that the new models charge faster.

Other tests

I've seen reports on Apple's forums and at other news sites where iPad 2 owners have complained of excessive light leakage and Compaq nc6000 battery Compaq nc6400 battery color differences on the tablet's screen. I didn't find such problems with our two new iPads, and the displays in our test units had a similar small amount of light leakage. Overall, I found the iPad 2's colors to be richer than the original iPad; the viewing angle performance was also quite a bit better, with the original model losing contrast when looking at it from a distance or off-angle.

As for the iPad's new cameras, our colleagues in the PC World Labs ran some tests comparing the front- and rear-facing cameras to those found in the Motorola Xoom and Samsung Galaxy Tab.
And we're not done testing the new iPad 2. If there are any other tests you'd like to see run, please suggest them in this story's comments section and we'll do our best to include them in upcoming stories.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Power tools battery care tips – High quality battery shops

battery care tips post by
Power tools use batteries or electricity to function, and batteries can be rechargeable or for one-time use. Typically, they are rechargeable. Nickel cadmium, or NiCd batteries, are normally used in power tools. These can be charged up to around 1,000 times before they need replacing. Reconditioning, especially after months of no use, is very good for these batteries, and should be done about once a month throughout battery life to ensure proper functioning and optimal lifespan.
Power Tools Battery Care Tips :
1.  Power Tools Battery Repair: Resources for Rebuilding Your Drill Batteries
2. Plan To Recondition Or Refresh Your Power Tool Batteries?
3. How to Maximize Power Tools Battery Performance
4. Power Tools Battery Maintenance Tips
5. Battery maintenance tips: helping your batteries live a long and productive life
6. How to Repair Makita Power Tools Batteries
7. How to Fix a Dewalt Power Tools Batteries
8. Should I Replace My Power Tools Batteries
9. Power Tools Battery Tips and Power Tools Safety
10. Tips For Finding Power Tools Batteries
11. How to Recharge a Power Tools Battery
12. Best Practices for Prelong Power Tools Battery Life

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Samsung Galaxy S 4G review |

    It’s only been six months since Samsung launched its highly successful Galaxy S assault upon the US market with a series of carrier customized phones: the Vibrant and Captivate GSM twins for T-Mobile and AT&T, the WiMAX-rocking Epic 4G for Sprint and the Fascinate for Verizon. More derivatives arrived later, with the Mesmerize, Continuum, Nexus S, and LTE-equipped Galaxy Indulge. Still the Vibrant was the first, and the closest in appearance to the original Galaxy S, losing the front-facing camera, but gaining a search button.
    Unfortunately, Samsung pavilion dv6000 battery Hp pavilion dv9700 was slow to upgrade early devices like the Vibrant beyond Eclair, and to fix the well-documented AGPS problems. As such, the release of the Samsung Galaxy S 4G for T-Mobile — basically an updated Vibrant with HSPA+, a front-facing camera, a bronze battery cover, Froyo out of the gate, but no dedicated internal flash storage — is bittersweet. While beneficial to those who waited, it’s a slap in the face to those who purchased the Vibrant. But is it a worthy upgrade? How does it fit into T-Mobile’s high-end Android lineup? Read on for our full review after the break.
    At a glance, you’d be hard pressed to tell the front of the Galaxy S 4G apart from the Vibrant. The only difference is the return of the front-facing VGA camera also present on the original Galaxy S, Epic 4G, and Nexus S. It features the same gorgeous (dare we say vibrant?) 4-inch WVGA glass capacitive Super AMOLED touchscreen, complete with faux-chrome surround. The T-Mobile logo is in the same top center location, below the earpiece and next to the proximity and light sensors, while the Samsung logo is positioned bottom center, above the standard row of backlit capacitive buttons. And yes, the LEDs behind the capacitive buttons still turn off too soon and still shine too bright.
    In back, the Galaxy S 4G is almost identical to the Vibrant, with the same metal-rimmed 5 megapixel camera, speaker grill, and Galaxy S logo — even the signature bump in the battery cover carries over. But instead of being finished in shiny black with a faint silver dot pattern, the back is painted a satin bronze finish that changes color slightly depending on the viewing angle, just like a lenticular print. It’s a very polarizing design: while some people really like it, we think it looks cheap and tacky, especially on what is arguably T-Mobile’s flagship phone. Everything remains the same around the edge of the device, with a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack and microUSB connector (behind a clever sliding door) on top, a battery Sony vgp-bps13/b battery cover removal slit and microphone on the bottom, a lanyard hole and volume rocker on the left, and the power / lock key on the right. The Galaxy S 4G feels just as light as the Vibrant, and no less plasticky, which is a shame.
    Spec-wise the Galaxy S 4G further mirrors the Vibrant, but cranks things up a notch with the addition of HSPA+ for network speeds up to 21Mbps (what T-Mobile calls “4G”). Inside you’ll find the same 1GHz Hummingbird CPU with PowerVR SGX 540 graphics, 512MB RAM, WiFi b / g / n, Bluetooh 3.0, AGPS, a compass, a gyroscope / accelerometer, and a light sensor. Despite being already six months old, this combination of hardware still delivers solid performance, especially when paired with Android 2.2. In addition to the aforementioned HSPA+ radio (with AWS / 1700MHz and 2100MHz support), there’s also a legacy quadband radio for EDGE duty. Lifting the battery cover reveals a microSD card slot along with the obligatory SIM slot. A 16GB card is supplied along with an SD adapter — it contains the movie Inception as a DRM encrypted file.
    Strangely, the 16GB of internal flash storage present in the Vibrant is gone from the Galaxy S 4G, leaving the microSD card slot as the sole option for storing media and other content. In our tests, calls sounded clear and reception was equally good. BatteryHp pavilion dv5 life, however, was only average, with the 1500mAh battery lasting about 24 hours on a charge with moderate use (taking pictures, listening to music, surfing the web, and messaging). While this is in line with most other high-end Android phones, we think there’s room for improvement.
    So does HSPA+ really make much of a difference? We compared the Galaxy S 4G to our HSPA-only Nexus S on T-Mobile by using the app in various San Francisco locales (within the carrier’s HSPA+ footprint) and most of the time the results were similar on both devices. Of course the topography of San Francisco is notoriously hard on signal quality, and we expect the performance gap between HSPA and HSPA+ to widen over time as T-Mobile tweaks its network, but for now HSPA+ does not appear to offer significant speed gains. Your mileage may vary.
    Samsung knows how to make a nice cameraphone, and the Galaxy S 4G is no exception. It shares its 5 megapixel sensor and autofocus optics with the Vibrant, and takes excellent pictures. In fact, the results are better than most other 5 megapixel cameraphones. This is a camera with few equals amongst Android devices. It gathers a ton of information, with accurate color balance and exposure. There’s no flash, but low light performance is top notch. Noise is kept well under control, and loss of detail is minimal. The Galaxy S 4G does a decent job of recording 720p video at a smooth 30 fps.
    While there’s no autofocus before or during video capture, Samsung wisely chose AAC (instead of the default AMR) to encode audio, resulting in better sound quality. User experience can make or break a cameraphone. Thankfully, the camera interface on the Galaxy S 4G is one of the best we’ve seen on Android, no doubt thanks to the company’s experience making dedicated point-and-shoot cameras. It’s reasonably intuitive, and all the important controls HP pavilion dv2000 battery Asus a42-a4 battery are easily accessible, with less common settings nestled within menus. There’s no dedicated two-stage shutter key, but you’ll find touch-to-focus, smile / blink detection, and a panorama mode, amongst other features. Overall, we’re very impressed with the camera on the Galaxy S 4G. It strikes a good balance between image quality and usability, without making too many compromises.
    Let’s put things in perspective. The Vibrant shipped with Android 2.1 (Eclair) mid-July and just received its Android 2.2 (Froyo) update in January. Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) was launched mid-December with the Nexus S. The Galaxy S 4G is running Android 2.2, and while Froyo still offers great performance and useful features such as built-in WiFi hotspot functionality, it’s somewhat disappointing to see a flagship phone arrive on the market one full OS version behind the state-of-the-art. Of course, this is the price we all pay for manufacturers and carriers customizing Android in a flawed attempt to differentiate themselves. Thankfully, the TouchWiz 3.0 UI used by Samsung on the Vibrant carries over to the Galaxy S 4G mostly unchanged. It remains lightweight and relatively unobtrusive, unlike Motorola’s Blur. We’re still not sold on the ultra-saturated cartoon-like color scheme (made stronger by the high-contrast Super AMOLED display), but Froyo on the Galaxy S 4G certainly feels snappier than Eclair did on the Vibrant.
    Quadrant scores routinely hover around the 1000 mark, and while it’s no speed demon, the Galaxy S 4G consistently delivers the level of performance we’ve come to expect from a high-end device. As a point of reference, our Nexus S with Gingerbread easily reaches 1500+ on the Quadrant benchmark. TouchWiz 3.0 provides some nice, well… touches, like a task manager, a file browser, a much improved music player, and a row of toggles in the notification area for WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, silent mode, and auto-rotation. The sideways-scrolling app tray is a bit disorienting at first, but is easy to adjust to.
    There’s a number of pre-installed apps from Samsung and T-Mobile on the Galaxy S 4G, such as Amazon MP3  pa3533u-1brs battery Apple a1185 , doubleTwist with AirSync, Facebook (but not Twitter), Kindle, Layar, Media Hub, Qik Video Chat, Slacker, T-Mobile TV, TeleNav, and ThinkFree office. Like with the Optimus T, T-Mobile bundles the Swype keyboard, WiFi calling (aka UMA), and visual voicemail with the phone, along with DriveSmart, an app that minimizes driving distractions by silencing notifications, routing calls to voicemail or a Bluetooth headset, and optionally auto-responding to calls and texts. We were particularly excited to see doubleTwist with AirSync pre-loaded on the Galaxy S 4G, but we’re no sure why TeleNav is included considering Android provides awesome free built-in navigation.
    T-Mobile TV dishes out live and on-demand TV programming. Pricing varies with the content and is billed directly to your T-Mobile account. While there’s a 30-day free trial, we’re not quite sure that paying to watch television on a 4-inch screen is a particularly attractive proposition, but we’re not really the target market for this. To make matters even more confusing, Media Hub also allows you to rent or purchase video content and charge it to your T-Mobile account. There’s definitely something to be said about Apple’s unified iTunes Store approach here. As mentioned above, The movie Inception lives on the supplied microSD card and comes with its own shortcut. Just be aware that formatting the microSD card will delete the film. The rest of the Galaxy S 4G software is all standard issue Android. Sadly there’s no photo or video editor available like on some other Samsung devices.
    A few apps take advantage of the front facing camera right out of the box, like the camera and video recorder, as well as Qik Video Chat, a T-Mobile branded version of the popular video streaming service. We also installed Tango on the Galaxy S 4G and made several video calls over T-Mobile’s network to an iPhone 4 on AT&T. Image quality is pretty much what you’d expect from a VGA camera — acceptable in normal light and grainy in the dark — but it gets the job done.
    It’s an exciting time to be a T-Mobile Compaq nc6000 Asus a32-f3 battery customer. There’s never been a better selection of high-end AWS-compatible Android devices before. The Galaxy S 4G, Nexus S, myTouch 4G, and G2 each bring a unique flavor of Android to the table. We think “pure” Android 2.3 trumps HSPA+, so the Nexus S is our first choice. But if you absolutely require HSPA+, we highly recommend the Galaxy S 4G. It beats the myTouch 4G with a larger, higher quality display, a less pervasive skin, and a lower price (after mail-in rebate). It also improves upon the Vibrant with HSPA+ and a front-facing camera, at the expense of that 16GB of internal flash storage. Cosmetically, we prefer the Vibrant to the Galaxy S 4G, but that’s a matter of taste. If you already have a Vibrant, we suggest you wait until something more compelling comes along, unless HSPA+ and the front-facing camera really matter to you.
    We enjoyed our time with the Galaxy S 4G. It’s a feature rich Android phone with a slightly customized UI that packs an impressive camera and delivers solid performance across the board. Battery life could be better, and it could be a little cheaper ($200 with a two-year contract, after $50 mail-in rebate). Let’s just hope Samsung drops that Gingerbread update in less than six months this time around.
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