Saturday, August 20, 2011

What should WebOS smartphone and tablet owners do now?

Hewlett-Packard has turned out the lights on its WebOS smartphones and new tablet, the TouchPad, so what should you do if you've already got one of these products?

That's a good question. Here are a few (somewhat humorous) suggestions from CNET:

1 . Put them on the shelf with your Microsoft Kin (The Kin lasted 48 days on the market before being canceled; the HP TouchPad lasted 49.)
 2 . Use your pebble-shaped Palm Pre as a stone in your Zen garden.

3 . Turn your Palm Pixi into a table-leveler. You can put it underneath wobbly tables instead of sugar packets.

4 . Throw it in your junk drawer with your Palm Pilot and Palm Treo.

5 . Put your TouchPad under your pillow and hope the tablet fairy brings you an iPad 2

But seriously, this is a sad event for many loyal Palm fans. Hewlett-Packard yesterday announced that it is discontinuing the sale of devices running WebOS, the operating system that the computer maker acquired from Palm last year. The news means that HP will stop selling the recently launched TouchPad tablet as well as WebOS-based smartphones, such as the Palm Pre 2, HP Veer, and the upcoming Palm Pre 3.

The Palm Pre was the first device to debut with the WebOS software, and it caused quite a stir when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2009. The software won praise from experts, such as CNET Reviews senior editor Bonnie Cha, who said in her original review that the it offered "unparalleled" multitasking and notifications capabilities. She also noted that it had a sharp multitouch display and excellent Web browser and multimedia integration.

Unfortunately for Palm and the company's loyal following, the Pre and the WebOS devices that followed never made much of splash in the market. The Palm Pixi, Palm PrePlus, Palm Pixi Plus, Palm Pre 2, HP Veer, Palm Pre 3, and the HP TouchPad have collectively garnered a relatively small following.

Still, Palm fans have been a loyal bunch, many of them are former Treo fans. While the audience for the products has been tiny compared to their competitors, there are still some consumers with older or even recently purchased WebOS devices. So what are these consumers to do?

CNET contacted HP to find out what the company plans to offer in terms of support for its existing WebOS products. And an HP spokesman sent a one-sentence statement: "HP stands by its customers. We will continue to support existing products."

Exactly what this means is still a bit unclear. HP has a page on its Web site that describes support for the various Palm products. There are four main tiers of support for the Palm products:

Current: These products include ones that have been recently released, which includes all of the WebOS devices and the Palm Centro. Consumers can expect to be eligible for the full range of HP consumer support services that are available through sales channels in their region. Of course, what happens to HP's traditional product support is also in question now that HP says it plans to spin off its consumer PC business.

Mature: These include products that are no longer sold by HP and its resellers. Products in this category include many of the former Palm Treo phones. But technically, it will also soon include the WebOS products. This class of Palm product receives some HP support, but the company notes that support "may be limited or evaluated by HP in preparation for the next support lifecycle phase."

Legacy: These are products that haven't been sold by Palm in a very long time. (Think the oldest versions of the Palm Treos.) Palm offers paid phone support for these products and you may search or post a question in the Community Help Forums (English). Software updates to add compatibility with new Windows or Mac OS releases, service packs, and mail servers may not be available for legacy products, the company says on the Web site.

Historical: These include products from Palm and Handspring that haven't been available for ages. Online support materials are no longer available for these products. And HP doesn't offer assisted support via phone or Internet chat. If customers need help with a historical product, HP suggests searching or posting a question in the Community Help Forums.

HP also hasn't answered questions about whether or not it will allow customers to return recently purchased devices for a refund. But it is likely that the only refund customers can expect are the ones offered by retailers or wireless carriers where their WebOS devices have been purchased.

Best Buy, which sells WebOS smartphones and the TouchPad, allows customers to return products, such as computers, monitors, digital cameras, iPads, tablets and radar detectors, within 14 days of purchase. There is also a 25 percent restocking fee.

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Tagcloud: WebOS smartphone , tablet ,  Dell vostro 1520 battery , dell vostro 1500 battery

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Think Windows is insecure? Review Windows Security Praised

Conventional wisdom has it that Windows and products from Microsoft are extremely unsafe, easy targets for hackers. That conventional wisdom is wrong, according to security firm Kaspersky Lab's recent quarterly malware report, which found not a single Microsoft-related threat in the top ten.

The Kapersky Lab quarterly report has this to say about Microsoft products:
For the very first time in its history, the top 10 rating of vulnerabilities includes products from just two companies: Adobe and Oracle (Java), with seven of those 10 vulnerabilities being found in Adobe Flash Player alone. Microsoft products have disappeared from this ranking due to improvements in the automatic Windows update mechanism and the growing proportion of users who have Windows 7 installed on their PCs.
So if you're running Windows --- especially Windows 7 --- you don't need to worry that you're a sitting duck.

Windows blogger Ed Bott notes that at the Black Hat conference, security expert Chris Paget praised Windows security as well. Paget was hired to find security holes in Vista before it shipped, as a way to make the OS safer. She called Microsoft's security "world-leading" and said:
"Microsoft's security process is spectacular."
So if you're one of those who thinks that Windows and other Microsoft products are riddled with security holes, the message is simple: You're living in the past.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Apple's news: Apple is reportedly eyeing a post-x86 future

Apple is reportedly eyeing a post-x86 future as it prepares to merge iOS and Mac OS X into a single unified platform.

According to Jefferies & Co analyst Peter Misek, the inevitable transition is likely to begin in 2012 with a new MacBook Air featuring Apple's next-gen A6 processor, which will also power future iterations of the iPad and iPhone.

Apple eyes a post-x86 future

"We believe Apple is ready to start sampling the A6 quad-core app processor and will be the first to such multi-device platform capable of PC-like strength," Misek wrote in an industry note cited by AppleInsider.

Nevertheless, Cupertino will probably retain Intel x86 processors for the majority of its Mac lineup - MacBook Pro and desktops - until 2016.

"Our preliminary view is that Apple can use a 32-bit ARM architecture to address the vast majority of the OS X ecosystem's needs in 2012-13 except for high-end professional devices," Misek explained. 

"When 64-bit ARM is available in 2016, we believe Apple will have a single OS and hardware architecture."
Reports of Apple moving away from x86 architecture and towards a RISC-based future have multiplied over the past year, with sites like SemiAccurate stating the transition is already a "done deal."

"Intel is out, and Apple chips are in. The only question left is if they will use their own core, a Samsung core, or the generic ARM black box," tech guru Charlie Demerjian wrote in May 2011. 

"My bet is on generic for the first round, with a custom uncore, and moving to progressively more proprietary features with each successive generation."

However, Silicon Valley chip expert David Kanter believes Apple won't switch its laptops to ARM anytime soon. Yet, Kanter does acknowledge that eventually unifying three major platforms (computers, tablets and phones) would make it far easier for developers to target Apple platforms.

"In some ways, this might be the most sensible, since expanding the iOS installed base would help Apple create a more attractive market for developers compared to Android and could facilitate tying the iPhone to other Mac products. [Remember], Apple has few attachments to x86 and would not hesitate to shift to a better alternative," Kanter wrote in a RealWorldTech analysis.

ARM chip

"[Yet], there are no ARM designs [to] meet Apple's needs for performance and efficiency in the next two or three years. Even if there was, it is hard to see how such a design would be substantially better than AMD's offerings. Over 5-10 years though, many of the technical and business hurdles may change. The ARM ecosystem is moving forward at a rapid pace, and Apple is watching carefully."

Kanter also opined that Cupertino may be planning to design a hybrid x86-ARM system at some point in the near future.

"There are a number of ways putting ARM near a computer could be quite interesting and valuable... For example, Apple could include an ARM core in future notebooks for 'instant-on' web browsing while the computer is booting - something done in certain Dell and HP models. A [further] extension of that idea would be an update to OS X with an iOS emulator and maybe a co-processor for future hardware."
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